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    Thursday, August 24, 2017

    StarTimes set to train 1,300 employees in 34 States in Nigeria

    In a bid to foster professionalism and position its people to better compete with their counterparts globally, pay TV company, StarTimes Nigeria have introduced a new policy that covers 75% of the cost, to encourage all staff seeking professional development locally or internationally.
    This is contained in a statement signed by the Chief Operating Officer of the company, Mr Tunde Aina.


    He said, “Capacity building for staff must be top priority for any responsible organization. We pride ourselves as one, with the interest of our entire workforce at heart hence the need to continually roll out friendly policies that seek to developing our people.
    We currently live in a fast paced world and to ensure that our people are up to date with international developments and practices, a constant training and re-training is necessary. This new policy will ensure that any staff who wishes to study for personal or professional development gets to do so without hindrance by the expenses.
    StarTimes will bear 75% of the total cost of training, leaving just 25% to be covered by the staff. This policy is open to all staff, irrespective of grade, level or contract type and was the first policy introduced when the new CEO, Justin Zhang, a visionary leader who believes in the people took office earlier this year”.
    StarTimes currently provides direct employment to more than 1,300 staff and indirect jobs to over 3,000 Nigerians through dealer partners across 34 states in the country, making the company a major employer of labour in Nigeria in its over 7 years of operations.

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