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    Monday, May 8, 2017

    Fate Of The Furious to beat Star Wars box office record

    The latest Fast And The Furious movie is expected to break an all time record to become the biggest worldwide debut of all time.

    Fasten your seat belts, The Fate Of The Furious is expected to break through Easter weekend to earn a record $532.5m (£425m) in just two days, according to Universal.

    This would make it the highest grossing opening weekend of all time, leaving behind the seventh episode of the Star Wars franchise.

    The Force Awakens opened to a staggering ($529) £421m worldwide in December 2015, beating the previous record holder Jurassic World by a long shot.

    Colin Trevorrow’s dinosaur reboot took home £252.9m in two days, nearly £200m less than Fate Of The Furious is expected to pull in.

    The film’s main star and producer Vin Diesel posted a message to his 36.2 million followers on Instagram on Good Friday, saying he felt “grateful, humbled and blessed” over the projected success.

    His co-star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson also reacted on Instagram while “takin’ a quick break between our Saturday sweat sets”.

    “My phone’s blowing up and apparently, #FateOfTheFurious is the biggest global box office opening of all time,” he said.

    “It’s not official yet, but the moment it becomes gospel I’ll let you know.”

    The two stars have been embroiled in an on-set and online feud since this latest movie began shooting.

    The rift started last year when Johnson wrote on his Instagram page that while he “loved” his female co-stars, the men were “a different story”.

    “Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t,” he wrote.

    “The ones that don’t are too chicken s*** to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses,” he added.

    According to website TMZ, this was a consequence of Johnson’s “lack of patience” with Diesel for always showing up late to shoot.

    After a reported fight between the two broke out inside Diesel’s trailer on set, the two stars wrapped up shooting separately.

    “I don’t think the world really realises how close we are, in a weird way,” Diesel finally said in an interview.

    “I think some things may be blown out of proportion. I know he appreciates how much I work on this franchise. In my house, he’s Uncle Dwayne.”

    It is unclear how much the spat affected filming the movie, but it surely didn’t affect box office numbers.

    “There is no market that hasn’t had a strong reception,” said Duncan Clark, Universal’s president of international distribution.

    “Whatever culture, whatever language, whatever country, we seem to have found a home,” he added.

    The Fate Of The Furious opened to £151m in China alone, and an estimate £100m is expected from 4,310 US cinemas.

    Universal Pictures is planning two more movies in the franchise, which has earned an estimated £3.5bn globally.

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