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    Thursday, April 27, 2017

    Masturbation: Sex for one!

    • Balancing your life’s needs

    Mere mention of the word ‘masturbation’ could be irritating. In some settings, masturbation is considered an evil act.   Apparently, not many would want to talk about it either because of their religious backgrounds, morality or it is simply considered absurd.
    In this part of the world, masturbation is a taboo to discuss  but nevertheless remains quite a common and almost natural activity among men and women and even children.
    By definition, masturbation means touching one’s own body, including sex organs, for sexual pleasure. It has raised a lot of controversy in religious circles.
    Many individuals  wonder if the Bible talks about masturbation.
    However, while religion does not give  thumbs up or thumbs down to it, a study by the Gossard Big M Survey shows that 92 percent of women regularly take time out to masturbate, a huge jump from the findings of previous studies (74 per cent in 1979 and 62 per cent in 1953). While men and women who masturbate live with guilt, shame  and fear associated with it, many have also described it as  self-abuse.
    But the other side to it  is that, scientifically, studies have shown that masturbating more can dramatically increase individuals’ health and cut the risk of infections.
    To Miss Bola Oshodi (not real name), who confessed that she started masturbating at the age of 18, it has helped her in so many ways.
    “I was not influenced by anyone; it started as a result of my menstrual cramps.  Each time I do that, it helps to relieve my pains”, she stated.
    “While I was growing up, I tried to avoid keeping boyfriends.  I masturbated just to satisfy my urge for sex.  Now that I am married, I do it sometimes.  But I can tell you it literally replaced my emotion for males then.   Each time I do that, I usually feel like I’m having sex. At the end, I feel good.
    “I think, there are so many positive effects of masturbating — and it’s fun.  It can help you stay in touch with yourself and your sexuality, and is also an extremely satisfying way to pass the time.  I also do that each time I am stressed.”
    Bola’s case is one of the many benefits of masturbation, according to medical experts.

    According to a study published in European Urology, aside masturbation being a great stress reliever, it  has distinct health benefits.

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