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    Saturday, April 29, 2017

    Cambodian actress banned from films for being too HOT (See Photos)

    - 24-year-old Cambodian actress has reportedly being banned for being too HOT!
    - Denny Kwan was reportedly handed the one-year ban as a punishment by the Culture and Fine Arts Ministry
    - She says she will now 'try not to be HOT as I usually am when I post on Facebook'
    A Cambodian actress has been banned from making any new movies for a year because the country's cultural bosses say she is too HOT.
    360Basic gathered that the actress was reportedly handed the one-year ban as a punishment by the Culture and Fine Arts Ministry after she was accused of breaking the code by the ministry which requires public figures in the country to dress with their dignity and national identity in mind.

    Unbelievable! Actress Banned From Films For Being 'Too Hot

    Denny Kwan
    Speaking to the daily, Denny said: “In Cambodia, there are many HOT artists. Some are even more than me when shooting, featuring kissing.
    “I know it is my right to dress how I want, but our culture, Cambodian people, cannot accept it. I will now try not to be HOT as I usually am when I post on Facebook."
    Speaking about the reports, Chamroeun Vantha, an adviser for the ministry and chief of the disciplinary council, said: “The council members decided to punish Denny Kwan by not having any activities in the entertainment industry for one year, such as filming, karaoke and singing performances on TV.
    Unbelievable! Actress Banned From Films For Being 'Too Hot
    Denny Kwan
    “Secondly, we appeal to artist associations, TV [stations] and entertainment production owners to cooperate with the ministry to punish her by not giving her any work.”
    This is unbelievable but law remains law.

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